Personal Celebration & Gratitude

Today, I want to talk about something that's near and dear to my heart: celebrating yourself. Yes, you read that right. Celebrating yourself is not only important but also essential for personal growth and development.

I know what you're thinking. "Coach Fatimah, isn't that a bit narcissistic?" But hear me out. Celebrating yourself doesn't mean you have to be self-centered or conceited. It's about taking the time to appreciate the blessings in your life and being grateful for them.

Let's face...

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Should My Co-Wife Discipline My Children?

Polygyny is a marital system in which one man has multiple wives. It has been practiced in various cultures throughout history, and is still common today. One question that often arises in the context of polygynous marriages is whether or not co-wives should discipline each other's children. This is a complex issue that requires careful consideration.

In this video on the topic, I offer my thoughts on this matter. First I would like to begin by noting that in polygynous marriages, there is...

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Relationship Lessons: When One Takes Their Own Life

Life can be unpredictable, and there are moments that can be incredibly challenging and difficult to navigate. However, these difficult moments often provide us with opportunities for growth and learning. In fact, some of the most profound lessons in life come from the hardest experiences. By staying open and looking for the lessons that these moments offer, we can find a new perspective on life that we may have never considered before.

One such moment of challenge and growth was experienced...

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How Social Media Can Destroy Your Relationships

The effects of social media can come in many forms- whether that be an addiction to social media, dependency, increased or decreased self-worth; the possibilities are endless. Many times, individuals even find themselves comparing their relationships to those seen on social media as well. In this video, we discuss the effects of social media in regards to relationships and how YOU must stay conscious of what you digest while scrolling through social media. 

~Coaches Nyla &...

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Children & Polygyny: Am I Sabotaging My Children's Relationship with My Co-wife?


We get many questions regarding the children in polygyny. We have also seen comments about children being traumatized, negatively affected and confused about the dynamics of polygyny, including their connection with their father's "other wife or wives". The underlying tone to a number of the comments display an attitude of unknown sabotage that is usually the cause of the negative effects and confusion that the children may feel.

In this video, I talk about children &...

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Mentor vs. Coach: What's The Difference?

Many times in our lives we are going to face problems. Whether that be familial, financial, or otherwise; challenges are guaranteed within in our lifetime. However, when it becomes too much, who can you seek help from? Who can you turn to for guidance on how to solve these problems? In this video, I zero in on the importance of mentors & coaches, as well as facing difficulties.

Committed to helping you get your S.H.I.F.T. together,

Coach Nazir

P.S. - Be sure to connect with us on our...

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Poly Edition: Bonding As A Family (vlog)

A fun, inexpensive way to spend time with your family is by building dream boards with one another. For those who are unsure of what dream/vision boards are, they are as follows: "A dream board or vision board is a collage of images, pictures, and affirmations of one's dreams and desires, designed to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation." In this vlog styled video, we discuss the importance of dream building with family and instruct on ways to create vision boards that are...

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Unpopular Opinion - Polygyny needs to be NORMALIZED!

In today's society polygyny is considered taboo. Many people believe it's an easy way to 'legally cheat' on their wives, that it brings destruction to families, only benefits the husband, and much more. However, I disagree. In this video, I unapologetically share why polygyny needs to be normalized in the West ASAP! "

Committed to helping you get your S.H.I.F.T. together, 

Coach Nazir

P.S. - Be sure to connect with us on our social media channels where we go live from time to time to...

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The Weight Of Healing vs. The Wait Of Healing


Healing from our past traumas is something we all must do in order to move forward to gain happiness and future success. Oftentimes we don't realize that if we wait to heal, we are actually prolonging the process; causing more pent up anger and possibly even rage. One of the most important things is especially the harmony that may come from our healing; inner peace is always priceless. In this video, I discuss how I discovered that waiting to heal placed much more "weight" on my...

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Can You Change Your Spouse?


Has there ever been a time, shoot, maybe multiple times, where you wished that your spouse was just a little different in some way? Have you ever thought to yourself, "maybe I can get him to change", or "if I did this, then he would be this way"? Has that ever worked for you? I know many of us may have these thoughts of wanting to change our spouse or spouses in some way or another and that is usually due to our selfish nature. Yes, I said it. In this video, I focus on the idea...

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