Subsequent Wife in a First Wife World

Uncategorized May 24, 2021


Being a subsequent wife is not without its challenges and I know that is hard for some to believe as we live in a society that believes that subsequent or incoming wives have it made because they succeeded in "taking someone else's man". I know that sounds harsh, however it is a harsh reality for subsequent wives to get shunned, disrespected and put on the back burner to ease the fears, tensions and ill feelings of an initial wife. This is not a versus or comparison post, it is...

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Polygyny Mistakes: Connecting with Bonus Children

Uncategorized May 17, 2021


Being married with children can have it's benefits as well as it's challenges, right? Now think about children in a polygynynous family. Do you think there are a host of other challenges that can arise? Can the benefits of connecting with any and all bonus children outweigh any challenges that could and may come from initial awkwardness, fear or uncertainty of being in a polygynous family?

I share my story about one of the polygyny mistakes I've made regarding my bonus children...

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Marriage, Polygyny & Abandonment Issues

Uncategorized May 10, 2021


A variety of issues can arise when it comes to polygyny. One of them is feeling abandoned; feeling alone without your spouse. Many times abandonment issues aren't discussed in polygyny and the feeling of abandonment can leave you feeling helpless and often times, unloved. In this video I will be discussing abandonment issues in my perspective as an initial wife. You can check out the video HERE!

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at ...

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Parenting in Polygyny: Prepping and Transitioning Children

Uncategorized May 03, 2021


As marriage and polygyny coaches, we get asked a plethora of questions. As parents who are in polygyny, those questions increase. How do you transition your children? How do you equip them to handle being part of a family that practices that form of marriage? How do you handle the fears, challenges or insecurities that may arise? Of course, these are just a few of the questions and the short, easy answer is through patience and communication.

However, we know that complicated...

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Polygyny and Relationships: Interview with Eloheem Ali

Uncategorized Apr 26, 2021


There are many questions that surround polygyny. How did your family react to polygyny? What interests you about polygyny? How did the children react? In this video, Coach Nyla, Nazir, & Fatimah are interviewed by Eloheem Ali; @al_kemets on Instagram. They are asked questions on their perspectives of polygyny, the affects of polygyny, and much more. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel (@OutstandingPersonalRelationships) so you don't miss out on the upcoming...

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Do my Friends Like my Co-wife?

Uncategorized Apr 12, 2021


There are many questions that branch from polygyny. Such as 'how do you keep your focus off of your spouse' or 'how to be cordial with your co-wife'. Outside of polygyny, there are your friends. Another frequent question I get is 'do my friends like my co-wife'? So, in this video, I answer just that.

Check out the video HERE!

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Remember, investing in you...

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Do You Treat Your Co-wife Well?

Uncategorized Apr 05, 2021


There's been countless times where co-wives find themselves in a unique set of circumstances. And that unique set of circumstances is trying to figure out how to treat one another in a respectful manner.

Although they may not be friends, it is extremely paramount to the overall climate of the family that you do indeed treat another well. In this video, I answer the burning question of how I can treat my co-wife cordially.

Check out the video HERE!

If you have any questions or...

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Can You Change Your Spouse?

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2021


Has there ever been a time, shoot, maybe multiple times, where you wished that your spouse was just a little different in some way? Have you ever thought to yourself, "maybe I can get him to change", or "if I did this, then he would be this way"? Has that ever worked for you? I know many of us may have these thoughts of wanting to change our spouse or spouses in some way or another and that is usually due to our selfish nature. Yes, I said it.

I am not exempt from this form of...

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Shifting Your Focus Off Your Husband in Polygyny

Uncategorized Mar 22, 2021


Often times I'm asked how I can handle communicating with my co-wife when we're married to the same man. Not only that, but another frequent question is how I can shift my focus off of my husband. So, in today's blog video I discuss how I shift my focus off of my husband in polygyny. You can watch the video HERE!

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Also, don't forget to check out the...

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The Effects of The Lies We Were Told: Books Before Boys Because...

Uncategorized Mar 15, 2021


As I watched and listened to countless women, especially black women speak on how hard it is to find a "man of value" or a "high value man", I realized that there are a number of things that are causing issues in the pursuit of black women having the fulfilled relationships they want, with the men or type of men they want. I would hallucinate that many of these issues stem from what we were taught and how we were brought up.

I discovered an on-going trend of teaching amongst...

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