If We Could Help You Build a Harmonious Polygynous Family for $97/mo, Would You Take That Offer?


From The Desks of Coach Nazir, Coach Fatimah, and Coach Nyla

Cairo, Egypt


This page will take 4 minutes to read and only 1 minute to make a decision.


We’re going to tell you a little bit about the Polygamy Community—what it’s about and what you can gain from it—and then you can decide if it’s the right fit for you.


The Polygamy Community is for those who are interested in understanding, practicing, or enhancing their polygynous relationships.


Let’s take you back to a time when the three of us were just starting out. Picture this: a family with big dreams but even bigger challenges.


Imagine trying to juggle multiple relationships while keeping the peace, making sure everyone feels valued, and still finding time to maintain your sanity.


If you’re thinking it sounds like a circus act, you’re not too far off. We had our share of stumbles—like the time Coach Nazir forgot which house he was suppose to be at and was confused because he thought Coach Fatimah was the one who had it wrong.


But here’s the thing: through those experiences, we learned a lot. And we didn’t just survive; we thrived.


We turned those early challenges into a framework that has transformed not only our lives but the lives of countless others who seek to balance multiple responsibilities with grace and purpose.


We've Been in the Coaching and Relationship Guidance Space for Over 10 Years.


Yes, we’ve had our share of victory when everything just clicked, many losses, and learned many painful lessons. Yes, there were also those days when we questioned if we could truly make this work long-term.


It's been 14 years now and each of these moments taught us valuable lessons. They allowed us to build a life that’s not just aligned with our values but also genuinely fulfilling.


And now, we’ve built a thriving community and a successful family structure that embodies the principles of empowered polygyny.


We know the journey isn’t easy, but here’s the thing—if we knew back then what we know now, we would have reached this point in a fraction of the time.


Years ago, the idea of successfully managing a polygynous family seemed as crazy as climbing a mountain in a sandstorm.


Imagine trying to keep everyone happy, maintain balance, and still find time for yourself—it felt like trying to juggle with one hand tied behind your back.


Coach Nazir started with high hopes but quickly realized that enthusiasm and a goal alone wasn’t going to carry us through.


There were days when we all thought, “Can we really make this work?”—like the time we planned a family road trip to Atlanta, only to end up with a van full of frustrated children and three very silent adults. Let’s just say, not our finest moment.


Before polygyny, life was different. Nazir was on a path that seemed pretty straightforward—he'd work in his home-based business, come home, and repeat. Fatimah was focused on making that home as pleasant and peaceful as possible while raising beautiful daughters, and Nyla was building her professional life as a single mother then a divorcee. 


None of us imagined that our lives would intertwine in the way they did. But here we are.


When we first started exploring polygyny, it was like trying to build a house without a blueprint.


There were arguments, misunderstandings, and more than enough assumptions to go around.


Our first attempt at attend a mutual friend's holiday function was a bit like going to recess and seeing rival cliques on the fence or mean girls staring and shaking their heads and whispering while rolling their eyes.


It was uncomfortable and to anyone looking, they probably thought it'd be another failure, but we didn’t give up. We tested, we experimented, and we learned—oh, did we learn.


To our surprise, our second approach at attending a larger holiday function at a public place not only worked, but it also lasted. It brought us closer, and it gave us a sense of unity that we didn’t think was possible.


Since then, we’ve consistently developed strategies, frameworks, and support systems that have transformed not only our family but countless others.


We’re not saying you’ll achieve instant harmony—building a thriving polygynous family takes effort, just like anything worthwhile.


But we’ve seen even the most challenging situations turn into stories of success.


We’d love to say we learned all these “secrets” through some course or book…


And yes, we’ve learned some things from business mentors and from wise friends and even more from each other.


But ultimately, the majority of our growth came from the school of hard knocks—obsessive experimentation, endless discussions, late-night conversations, and a lot of trial and error.


Blood, sweat, tears, lost friends, sleepless nights, hours of study, and dedication to our family and our craft—this is what built the Polygamy Community.


So much so, that we even wrote about our journey, sharing the lessons we learned along the way in our book, 'Let's Talk Polygamy UNCENSORED'.


Since then, we’ve helped hundreds of families navigate the complexities of polygyny.


We’ve personally consulted with men and women from all walks of life—doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, educators—people who are now thriving in their polygynous relationships no matter their racial or religious affiliation.


We’ve spoken at events, hosted workshops, and shared our experiences with those who are just starting their journey.


We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished, but we’re even prouder of the community we’ve built—a community that’s grown to include many members, all committed to learning, growing, and supporting one another.


We mention these credentials not to boast, but to let you know that you’re not learning from some fly-by-night relationship or polygamy gurus who just jumped on a trend.


We’ve lived this, we’ve struggled through it, and we’ve come out stronger on the other side.


The amount of misguided, overly complicated, and just plain bad advice we’ve seen out there about polygyny could fill a book (and not a good one).


Which is why we started the Polygamy Community.


We felt that most of the information out there was too complicated, biased, or just... well, trash.


This journey can be simple. We promise.


That’s why we’re so proud that our community has grown and is constantly increasing in members


All united by the idea that polygyny, when done right, can be a source of strength, love, and fulfillment.


Whether you’re trying to start, grow, or even just figure out where you stand, we got you.


Many of our members have gone on to build strong, loving families, finding the balance that seemed so elusive at the start.


And you’ll have access to people who have walked the same path, faced the same challenges, and come out the other side with wisdom to share.


And that’s why we created The Polygamy Community: to support you on your own journey, whether you’re just beginning to explore polygyny or have been practicing for years.


One of the most enriching aspects of the Polygamy Community is the incredible diversity of our members. We’ve got everyone from doctors and lawyers balancing demanding careers with fulfilling family lives, to school teachers and home makers bringing a deep understanding of communication and nurturing into their homes.

✓ Doctors and Engineers 

✓ School Teachers and Educators 

âś“ Franchise

✓ Business Owners and Entrepreneurs 

✓ Stay-at-Home Parents 

âś“ Truck Drivers

✓ International Businesspeople 

 No matter your background, you’ll find someone in the community who has faced similar challenges and can offer valuable insights.


 Here’s What You Will Learn and Gain from Being Part of This Community:

✓ Leadership Skills: Learn how to lead with confidence and clarity, ensuring your family and relationships thrive under your guidance (even when you’re figuring it out as you go).

✓ Masculinity and Femininity: Understand the delicate balance of masculinity and femininity within polygynous relationships, and how to embrace these roles to enhance harmony and mutual respect (because let’s face it, understanding this makes everything smoother).

✓ Financial Intelligence: Gain the knowledge and skills needed to manage your finances wisely, ensuring that your family’s needs are met and your legacy is secure (no more wondering where all the money went).

✓ Emotional Mastery: Develop emotional resilience and mastery, so you can navigate the complexities of multiple relationships with grace and strength (even when someone forgets to take out the trash—again).


Here’s What’s Included in the Polygamy Community:

✓ Curated Discussions: Engage in active, meaningful conversations on topics that matter to you. From managing household dynamics to navigating emotional complexities, our discussions are designed to provide you with actionable insights (and maybe a few laughs)

✓ Classes: Access a library of courses that you can take at your own pace. These courses are designed to help you master the principles of successful polygyny, from communication strategies to financial planning (because knowledge is power, and you’ve got this).

✓ Monthly Meet and Greets: Connect with other members in a more personal setting through our monthly virtual or in-person meet-ups. Share your experiences, learn from others, and build a network of support (you might even make a few lifelong friends).

✓ Exclusive Access: Get direct access to us, Coach Nazir, Coach Fatimah, and Coach Nyla. We’re here to offer guidance, share our experiences, and help you navigate the unique challenges of polygyny (and yes, we’ve got stories).


Who is this community for?

 This community is for men and women who are ready to take their polygynous relationships to the next level. It’s for those who are committed to learning, growing, and creating a family structure that is strong, loving, and resilient. It isn't limited by religious, ethnic, or racial background. 


Asiya Nasir

"Coaching changed my entire life! I'm now doing the work, being very intentional, journaling, and adjusting my work schedule. I can now pour into people because I'm being poured into."

Farhan Hossain

"As an engineer at Apple and holding 50 patents for creating the Apple Vision Pro, I still felt I had a leash on me and it broke my confidence. I now honor and trust my thoughts. Coaching has helped me develop my confidence, and I have now broken free of limited thinking!"

Asmar Townes

"I've known Coach Nazir over 20 years, he's a servant of the people and his legend has only grown with me. I see what he does with his community, family, and his leadership and what he gives back. Be a part of his success system to build the unified family within your home and the community!"

Sister Rebekah

"I've met each coach personally. I've sought their guidance, asked questions, learned their story. Alhamdulillah, it's nice to know they put the work in and can help so many."

Unlike most “experts” in this space, we don’t focus on teaching some so-called "secret" system that promises to solve all your problems.


That’s what most people do. The truth is, those one-size-fits-all systems rarely work for everyone. And when everyone starts following the same advice, word for word, it eventually stops working altogether.


We focus on teaching simplicity.


Simple strategies that will work for anyone trying to start, grow, or strengthen their polygynous family. Simple can be done.


We know this because we’ve built a successful polygynous family ourselves. We’ve faced the ups and downs, the challenges of balancing multiple relationships, and the need for constant growth and adaptation.


And the simple approach we developed over the years has proven successful. No need to try for perfection. Imagine that—a perfect system is actually anything but perfect.


Footnote: Stick to what works.


We obsess over simplicity, and it’s something we continue to learn and master every day.


In fact, some days it feels like we’re still learning, and we constantly remind ourselves that we are forever students on this journey.


We obsess over making this simple for our community members.


So many “gurus” overcomplicate things.


But because we combine the fundamentals with simplicity. our members can succeed in building a polygynous family that stands the test of time.


It’s like having a superpower that allows you to build a strong, unified family for any situation.


Inside the Polygamy Community, you will develop skills and traits beyond what you could possibly imagine right now.


✓ You will learn to create a family dynamic that instantly attracts respect and admiration.

✓ You will be able to confidently manage multiple relationships, ensuring that each wife feels valued and heard.

✓ You will confidently handle the complexities of communication, emotional management, and conflict resolution. You can use these skills to grow your family or help others in their journey.

 ✓ You will learn valuable life lessons and increase your self-worth. You’ll become the best version of yourself by immensely raising your value within your family.

 ✓ You will meet people you would not normally have access to and build a network that enriches your life and the lives of your loved ones.

 ✓ You will have access to some of the greatest minds in the world of family dynamics and relationship building.

 ✓ You will NOT just gain knowledge. The idea is to gain actionable insights that you can apply to real-life situations. We call these results.


And then, you’re going to have something that most people don’t.




You want to create a harmonious home environment where everyone feels loved and respected? DONE.


You want to become a leader who guides your family with wisdom and compassion? DONE.


You want to help others in the community navigate their polygynous relationships? DONE.


Or maybe, you want to build a legacy that your children and grandchildren will be proud of. DONE.


Or maybe you just want to live a life that allows you to focus on what truly matters—family, faith, and fulfillment. DONE.


All these options can lead to an incredibly fulfilling life. They all allow you to make an impact, leave your mark on the world, and change people’s lives—starting with your own.


Whichever path you choose, the Polygamy Community will help you get there.


And with that in mind, here’s what’s included in the Polygamy Community:


Every month, we’re going to share everything we know about building a strong, loving polygynous family…


…communication strategies, emotional management, leadership development, financial planning, conflict resolution, and much more… (This just scratches the surface.)


In addition, we’re also going to give you tons of resources, tools, and connections.


Here’s what’s included:

✓ Growth Call: One Training Call Per Month with Coach Nazir, Coach Fatimah, and Coach Nyla. Every month, we teach one new method of growing and nurturing your polygynous family. The call is about 2 hours, and we have a Q&A at the end. We sometimes review family dynamics, communication strategies, and conflict resolution at the end of the call.

✓ Communication Call: One Training Call Per Month focusing on enhancing communication within the family. Whether it’s handling misunderstandings or strengthening bonds, this call is about 2 hours and includes plenty of Q&A and real-life scenario reviews.

✓ Operations Call: One Training Call Per Month focused on managing the day-to-day operations of a polygynous family. From budgeting to time management, we cover it all. The call is about 1 hour, and we always do a Q&A.

✓ Member Spotlight: One Training Call Per Month with a community member who is thriving in their polygynous family. Every month, we bring on a member who has taken the content inside the community and applied it with remarkable results. They’ll give you insights into how they used what they learned to achieve success, followed by a Q&A session.

✓ Recordings and Replays of All Calls: Watch and rewatch every call as often as you need. You’re getting video recordings, a transcript, and even notes. We take notes so you don’t have to, but you still should.

 ✓ Training Courses: A collection of our best courses on polygyny, family dynamics, and relationship building. Many of these were developed over years of experience and are now included in the community.

 ✓ Templates, Resources & Tools: We’re giving you our templates, resources, and tools (including communication guides, conflict resolution scripts, etc.) so you can use them in your own family.

 ✓ Community Support: 91% of our members are fully engaged. Our community encourages our members to help each other. Our members get points whenever they post valuable content. The more points you get, the more prizes you unlock. We hold nothing back in the Polygamy Community. You’re getting advice, mentorship, and insights directly from us and the community every day.

 ✓ Polygamy Digest: Every week, you'll receive a PDF newsletter in your inbox. It contains the best GOLD shared in the community that week. You'll never miss anything.

  ✓ Full Success Roadmap: Once you log in for the first time, we will send you a roadmap. It helps you navigate the entire journey of building your polygynous family. You may already be in a certain phase of the roadmap. We recommend you go through the entire thing to ensure you don't miss any fundamentals.


 So with that in mind, you’re not just going to be learning from us… You’ll be learning from…


Our dedicated team and community members who have navigated the complexities of polygyny and come out stronger on the other side.


It’s the full stack of knowledge and skill that you’ve been searching for.


If you want to learn from one of the best communities in the world of polygyny, reach new heights in your family life, make meaningful connections, and become the leader your family deserves…


The Polygamy Community is the first step in your journey toward creating a loving, unified family.


We’re going to show you everything you need to really understand how to build a successful polygynous family at a fundamental level. This way, you’ll know exactly what to do to grow your family with a high degree of certainty.


That’s the Polygamy Community. So if that’s what you’re looking for, the last question is, what’s the price & how do you get in?


 If this sounds like you, here’s how to join:



For just $97/month 

This is risk-free. If you get in and decide it’s not for you, just cancel. No questions asked.

Once you sign up, we will send you an onboarding form. Fill that out, and we will add you to the community. Don’t forget to attend the welcome call, as it provides valuable insights on how to get the most out of your membership.


P.S. The Polygamy Community is more than just a place to learn about polygyny. It’s a family of individuals working hard to support each other on this journey. We aim to make the process as simple and enriching as possible, taking the “overthinking” out of building a harmonious family structure.


You will make connections and meet lifelong friends. These relationships could transform your entire future. This is the day things turn around for you. You will gain the skills and support you need to build a successful and fulfilling polygynous family, no matter what challenges lie ahead.