Candid discussion between co-wives discussing managing stress & different family dynamics

cowives q&a Sep 30, 2019

Coach Fatimah & Nyla have been part of polygyny for 9 years and discuss how they manage stress and their household dynamics being different even though they are married to the same man, Coach Nazir.

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In response to women who say, "Why can't I have more than one husband?!"

cowives q&a Aug 30, 2019

Many times when women discuss men being married to more than one woman, one knee jerk question tends to be, "why can't I have more than one husband?!"

Quick quips and reactive responses hardly are well thought out questions. Very few societies have ever practiced polyandry (women having more than one husband) and thrived. There are many reasons why but we focus on just a few reasons why it makes more sense to us why polygyny is more the natural way then other forms of polygamy.


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Co-wives discuss how children feel about polygyny

cowives q&a Aug 26, 2019

Many times when people choose to get involved in a polygynous marriage, children are involved. Sometimes the children are overlooked or their emotions and feelings to the adjustment may not be addressed.

The quality of life we live is usually based on the quality of our relationships. One of the most important and impactful relationships people have is the parent/child relationship. Polygyny not being the traditional form of marriage in today’s society can be challenging, not only for...

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